The Aspect of Mathematics in The Sports Betting

The German mathematician Johannes Kepler mentioned that the growth rate of the Fibonacci numbers tends to the golden ratio of 1.618. The odd needed to be even with Fibonacci is then 2.618. However, it is more interesting to get slightly higher odds to maximize your검증사이트site profits.
Fibonacci in theory
Pinnacle Sports published in its articles that the Fibonacci strategy yielded a theoretical profit of 1,786.70 from a bet of 1. This strategy has always continued to bet on a draw.
They took the 2011/12 Premier League data and there were 93 draws in the 380 games, which gives 24.5 percent of draw in those matches. And importantly, all odds for a draw were over 2,618. This result means that there was an average of one hit every four games. This also means that on average the winning bet would be Fibonacci’s fourth number: 3, with a total bet of 7 (1, 1, 2, and finally 3). The average draw odd this season was 4,203 (Pinaccle odds), which gives average wins of 12.61 by multiplying the odd by a bet of 3, a profit of 5.61 when the amount spent (which in this case is 7) is subtracted.
This is all theoretical, there was no draw every four games and you could sometimes hit two draws in a row and see up to two rounds without a draw, but as the average draw in that season at EPL was 24.5%, every theoretical account in over this number results in a profit of 1,786 from a bet of 1.
Fibonacci in Practice
We searched the internet in four languages - Portuguese, English, Spanish and Chinese – with the help of google translator for someone who had done the fibonacci strategy in sports betting practice. we found nothing about it, no excel spreadsheet or article and even a message in forums, what we found was diverse opinions from people regarding the subject and fibonacci in casino games, which does not fit this article.
Should we use the Fibonacci strategy?
Numerically speaking, the Fibonacci approach has no flaws, just follow the sequence at the minimum odd of 2,618. But there are cons, being the main one obviously you have to have such a big bankroll to endure a losing streak. But we see this as the only problem.
You should not only use this strategy for betting on a draw, you can bet on the winner, an aggressive Asian handicap, goals or any other market that offers something equal to or greater than an odd 2,618. The important thing is the odd, not the market. Obviously the draw is one of the three results of a football game and you pay a lot for it.